Turn Your Back on Drugs. Here you will find a list of topics for Anti Drugs Slogans and Sayings. Here are some power anti drug slogans used yearly by teachers and parents. 28 entries are tagged with funny anti drug slogans. 4. Drug Free Is The Key! Add some of your own and vote for the ones you like best! Anti-drug campaigns can help to create awareness among people. There were the answers that I had always sought. 50+ videos Play all Mix - MBMBAM - Funny anti-drug slogans & Warrior cats! 100 Best Anti Drug Slogans, Posters and Quotes. It’s the only way to be. BuzzFeed Staff. The younger the child is, the more you can stay him away from drugs and chemicals. How quickly from one beer to smoking crystal meth. To have it legalized will also be to lose control of it.” – Germaine Greer, “A drug is neither moral nor immoral – it’s a chemical compound. That will drive the prices down.” – Geechy Guy, “The greatest mistake in life is to get addicted to drugs becoming a prisoner of ecstasy and hallucination, and less of a man.” – Dr. T.P.Chia, “If you think dope is for kicks and for thrills, you’re out of your mind. YouTube MBMBaM Bonus: The McElroy Family Fun Hour Brought to You by Totino's - Duration: 44:14. There’s a time and place for everything. FunnySays.com – Get Funny Quote Says. My loved ones and friends could only watch and frown. Be smart – Don’t start. Drug Free, Thug Free, Hug Me. Stay Cocaine free . Up with hope or down with dope? Don’t forget to share them with your friends. A loser in life is a user in life. Drugs are like a knife which kills your entire life, Life is like a game board, don’t make the wrong turn, Life is what you make it, make it drug free, No room for drugs in this world, Be drug free, Drugs gave me wings to fly, but they took away my blue sky, Don’t want an ugly mug? In such a toxic environment, no smoking slogans can help people quit this bad habit by realizing the bad effects of cigarettes on health. Slogan Pugs Truths Nerd Posters Sayings Paper Funny Quotes. Anti drug slogans are important to lead your young generation in the right way. Get high on helping others, not killing yourself. This will not only help to keep students away from drugs but also others. Don’t be a clown! If you drink and then you drive, Someone’s life you may deprive! Time to decline Cocaine . Get high on grades, not drugs. +19. Meth makes you high, If you take it, you can die! Hell Yeah! We have gathered a list of 70+ Catchy Anti Drug Slogans. If you want to take steroids, Don’t, because you’ll be destroyed! Be the best you can be choose to be drug free. They can strengthen the will power of people who are vulnerable to try them – but have never done it before. Unfortunately, the drug addicts are not alone in their suffering. It’s nice to be number one, but we can fix that. Funny Slogans; Health Slogans; Holloween Slogans; Honesty Slogans; Illegal Immigration Slogans; Karma Slogans; Your drugs will make your Mama cry for you. Live and let live . Drugs … Our team works hard to help you piece ideas together getting started on advertising aspect of the project you're working on. Be Healthy, don’t do drugs. Here are anti drug slogans that you can use anywhere in posters, schools, and colleges. Stay off the drug, Put away the drugs before drugs put you away, If you wanna have money stay of the drugs, honey, Don’t let your life or your dreams go up in smoke, Don’t fall into the crack, Drugs will keep you trapped, We’re happy because we’re drug-free. Don’t let drugs trick you, They are not a treat, Life is a precious gift, don’t waste it on drugs, If you smoke weed, you’ll make my heart bleed, It is easier to stay off Drugs than to get off Drugs, Don’t do drugs, don’t be a slave to chemicals. Avoid a tragic death, stay away from crystal meth. by copyranter. 0. Alcoholic and drug addicts are killing themselves slowly.” – Dr. T.P.Chia, “You should just say no to drugs. Teach your kids how to play magic They won't have money for drugs We need to raise our voice to create awareness among people regarding bad effects of drugs. Anti Drug Slogans: Hugs not drugs, Be smart - Don't start, Get rid of drugs before they get rid of you!, Refusing is a better choice, Drug abuse is of no use Dolphinatley, Drug free is the way to be! +25. Say no to drugs, say yes to sex . Drugs can affect the mind of a human being in a seriously wrong way. When you huff and puff, you will blow your life away. Now you’ve seen my point of view, I choose no drugs, but do you? Cocaine is insane . Geezer Junkie! You end up sleeping on a floor Spend nights working as a whore And it the end it can be said You would be far better off dead. Liquids, pills, and powders, and I bought and bought. Drug abuse is affecting the youth all over the world. Quit and live like a Lion . Best list of catchy say no to drugs slogans in english. You’re not you when you’re high. All we need to do is start the war on education. I’ve had problems with the police.” – Keith Richards, “Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. Get High on your Fitness, don’t kill yourself with drugs. What’s your anti-drug. Make the Beary Best choice, Stay away from Drugs! 43 entries are tagged with funny drug slogans. Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff, Stay away from that Stuff. It can fix you so you can’t play nothing or sing nothing.” – Billie, “I’ve never had a problem with drugs. Hugs not drugs . Say, “I’m sorry, but I shan’t, I would rather eat eggplant!”. Advertising Anti Drugs Here we've provide a compiled a list of the best anti drugs slogan ideas, taglines, business mottos and sayings we could find. Here are some clever and creative slogans. So, I am here to tell you in this little rhyme. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.” – Philip K. Dick, “Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? You don’t love Mama when you drug. Good, Funny Anti Drug Slogans Drugs make you retarded, so don’t get it started. funny-anti-drug-slogans. Drugs and Booze and rock and roll That’s the stuff to feed the soul A bit of crack, a bit of weed You’ll soon find it’s all you need. hilarious funny quotes. Turn Your Back on Drugs. She grabbed my hand and we tore through the town. Feb 26, 2019 - Explore Health Slogans's board "Funny Health Slogans and Sayings", followed by 354 people on Pinterest. You will not succeed in school, If you think that drugs are cool. Bruised and beaten dying of Aids What a way to end your days Dead from Hep B at Twenty one Because you wanted to have fun. Anti Drug Slogans With Pictures . These sayings have a great impact on students in schools, especially elementary school. Don’t do pills, it’s not worth the thrills. Funny Say No To Drugs Slogans.. Best funny sayings and quotes with images wallpapers. But there is of course a price to pay Because dealers don’t give **** away And when your cash has all been spent How are you going to pay the rent? No drug user grows old, they die painfully being young. 0. Don’t want an ugly mug? Choose to be jolly, stay away from Molly. 0. Its Not Cool To Make Yourself Fool Say No To Drugs. Drug abuse is a repudiation of everything America is.” – Ronald Reagan. Choose life over drugs. I said, “God, I’m not worth it; I feel like a jerk.”, He said, “Suit up and show up; it’s time to go to work.”. I can't stand my parenthood teacher and I just told her her class is dumb so she wants to fail me. Feel free to use them on t-shirts, banners, posters or where ever you want. * Stay alive. Spare clothes and things that your folks sent Sold to buy drugs, not pay the rent. Here are some great Halloween themed Anti Drugs slogans, posters and ideas for Red Ribbon week. There are more kicks to be had in a good case of paralytic polio or by living in an iron lung. Red Ribbon week is a prevention awareness campaign for alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and violence. You future will zap if you fall into the drug trap. Stop today – Live tomorrow . The more you use drugs, the less you live life. Cocaine isn’t cool . Funny photo slogans and sayings for workplace, t-shirts, mugs, Facebook, students, Instagram, Tumblr, about environment, for student council, go green, anti bullying, breast cancer slogans, safety quotes, campaign slogans, drug free sayings, funny posters, weird sign boards and much more that give you a lot of fun at one place. Drugs fuck, they make us dance awesome . It sounded familiar like I had heard it before. Sell a few things you don’t need Lap Top Computer and TV. Anti-Drug slogans can help instill a sense of self-control and motivation among people who have tried drugs before. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); 101 Catchy Clothing Slogans and Clothing Taglines, 250 Catchy Christmas Slogans, Taglines & Christmas Phrases You’ll Love, 47 Creative Anti-Cocaine Slogans & Sayings, 87 Catchy Anti Alcohol Slogans and Sayings, 87 Catchy Anti Smoking Slogans and Sayings, 51 Catchy Red Ribbon Week Slogans & Sayings, 20 Creative Anti Marijuana Slogans & Sayings, 55 Best Nutrition Sayings For Good Fitness. If you’re asked to take a sniff, Be assertive, not scared stiff! It is ruining the society socially, physically, culturally, emotionally and economically. Inc. drug free mottos, quotes & anti drug sayings. Angel dust is a disgust. Anti smoking slogans and taglines help in decreasing the consumption of cigarettes. 1. Don’t let drugs trick you, they will kill you. here’s a cool anti drug meme. Finding a catchy slogan can be one way to create a memorable message they will remember. It’s not you when you do drugs! Learn to refuse the Cocaine use . God answered the riddle that so long I did guess. It’s going to be different this time, right? "Ethyl, help me find a vein, goddammit!" If you think you need the stuff to play music or sing, you’re crazy. Best Anti-Drug Slogans. You don’t need heroin to be a hero . No room for drugs in this world, Be drug free . Reaching out to the youth can be difficult in this age of technology in the 21st century. > Anti Drug Slogans > Drug Prevention Slogans. Don’t monkey around with drugs, it can drive you bananas! Don’t Start. They can hurt your friends and you, I’m not lying this is true! It’s given me time to remember and think. It’s the only way to be, I won’t let drugs Get in the way of my Dreams, Don’t let your life get wasted by being wasted, Delete drugs or they will delete you from this world. Don’t disappoint yourself or the ones who love and care about you. 1. Buy stocks not drugs. Here are some amazing catchy anti-drug slogans that will encourage young adults to stay away from these damaging substances. Be brighter, put down the lighter. +25. Be a scholar instead of a pot head. Pictures & posters included of drug free week slogans for kids, teenagers & adults. I had to find help; I was at my wit’s end. Above the Influence. Her face became ugly, calloused, and deranged. Catchy Anti Smoking Slogans & Sayings Crack is Whack […] funny sayings and quotes image funny life movie quotes.Love is not always drama and romance, Love can be Fun too! You don’t need heroin to be a hero. Saved by Anne Metcalf. These can be used in anti-drug campaigns to grab the attention of people and to spread the message more effectively. Do it before its too late . The problem is — they're not supposed to be funny. According to Very well mind, Around 6.5 trillion cigarettes are sold around the world each year, which translates to roughly 18 billion cigarettes per day.. There stood a young lady with blond hair and brown eyes. Drugs Are Whack So Watch Your Back. * Drug free is the way to be * Don't choose the booze * If you choose the booze, you lose * What's your anti-drug? Rispondi Salva. 300 Anti Drug Slogans, Taglines and Phrases, 200+ Powerful and Catchy Slogans on Eye Donation, 200+ Catchy Patriotic Slogans, Taglines, and Phrases, Nature Slogans: 200+ Environmental and Eco Friendly Slogans, Innovation Slogans: 200+ Business Growth Taglines and Sayings. Now it’s been eight months since I had my last drink. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. The compound itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if consumption bestowed a temporary license to act like an asshole.” – Frank Zappa, “Let us not forget who we are. +22. A sudden peace came over me and I fell to my knees. Heroes are drug free! Cocaine! Twinkle twinkle little star, smoking that weed won’t get you far. Be Smart. Funny anti drug slogans? Funny Slogans; Health Slogans; Holloween Slogans; Honesty Slogans; Illegal Immigration Slogans; Karma Slogans; Life Slogans; Funny Drug Slogans (8) NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Slogans (52) Red Ribbon Week Slogans (6) +46. – Unknow, “Don’t waste good drugs on killing yourself. Drugs can be addicting and dangerous. I had lost my child, my family, and my friends. Keep calm & Stop Cocaine. Funny Anti Drug Slogans . Why my addiction kept screaming, “Yes, Yes, Yes”, It’s because I kept asking night after night. Anti Drug Slogans for School. Use your brain, don’t fry it. Be smart, don’t start! Use your brain, don’t fry it . Share them with friends and have a party. Keeping the youth drug free is important for both the students and the country. ABCD… Drugs stay away from me. Or send them to me.” – Chuck Palahniuk, “Sometimes becoming drug-free has less to do with addiction and more to do with sanity.” – Shane Koyczan, “If every drug in the world were abolished a physician would still be a useful member of society.” – Sir William Withey Gull, “Drugs are merely the most obvious form of addiction in our society. Cool kids don’t do drugs. Roses are red, violets are blue, I hate drugs, how about you? Smoking meth leads to a slow painful death. Blunts are bad. Get rid of drugs before they get rid of you! Catchy Anti Alcohol Slogans & Sayings . One day when I was young, I heard a knock at my door. Here s a collection of best, funny and latest Tagalog Funny Love Quotes But all I heard was screaming, “Yes, Yes, Yes.”. Be proud to be drug free. Drugs will keep you down! Twinkle Twinkle little star, if you are a drug user you won’t go far. Family, friends, and drugs can’t live together. Be the best you can be- be drug free. Make the decision today to not let drugs get in your way, Drugs will hurt you and the ones who care about you. Sometimes, they can lead to cancer and then a painful death! Car pipes over crack pipes. Come With Me & Be Drug Free. 13 Funny Anti-Drug Ads. Then one day, my friend suddenly changed. We’re happy because we’re drug free. It’s called college. Run away from drugs, don’t let it destroy you, You can’t become a sportsman if you do drugs, No drug user grows Old; because they die young, If your aren’t drug free you can’t play with me. > Anti Drug Slogans > Drug Prevention Slogans +46. Can you help me, please?”. Drug users are real-life losers. To stop all this we should try to make anti drug slogans and “say no to drug posters”. If it’s anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we’ll all be hooked on phonics.” – Leighann Lord, “I don’t use drugs; my dreams are frightening enough.” – M. C. Escher, “Only one thing is certain: if pot is legalized, it won’t be for our benefit but for the authorities . + Drug addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values.” – Christopher Lasch, “Drug addiction reduces a man to a mindless and ridiculous thing, and creates social parasites and criminals.” – Dr. T.P.Chia, “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.” – Hunter S. Thompson, “Alcoholism and drug addiction are killers of mental and physical health. Stop drug abuse; Don’t end your life; It’s a bad way to go; Think about your family; Your family matters; Learn to say NO; Drug will be your doom; Say NO while you can; You still have got some time; Your life matters; This may not be actually possible with majority of the drug users out there, because all they want is to get drugged and be high! See more ideas about health slogans, slogan, health humor. 0. “Drug addiction is a self- punishing disease that ruins mental, psychological and physical health.” – Dr. T.P.Chia, Don’t do drugs kids. Drugs can be very addicting and one of the hardest things to quit; so it is important to spread the word to stay away from drugs, Be smart, don’t start. Quit and live like a Lion; Stop today – Live tomorrow. I said, “God are you there? You can’t become a sportsman if you do drugs. Be all you can be, Go drug free. +22. Drugs affect more than just you. Stay Strong and say no to Drugs. They not only affect the drug users but also the family and friends who care for them. You have one life, don’t waste it with drugs. Drug free is the way to be. anyways i'm doing a project for her class. It sounded like she was repeating, “Yes, Yes, Yes.”. 100% drug free. She said, “I have the answers; are you ready to play?”. Drugs gave me wings to fly, but they took away my blue sky . i need an anti drug slogan that shows i'm not taking her class seriously, but i cant come up with any lol any ideas? Be smart, don’t start! She kept whispering something I could only guess. I have a life full of problems, it’s because of drugs. Life keeps getting better one day at a time. If you're happy and you know it, It's your meds. Drugs are retarded, so don’t get started. Twinkle Twinkle little star, if you are a drug user you won’t go far. Stay off the drug Be fly don’t get high. Usually, these anti-drug quotes are printed on posters by different anti drug organizations. Quit & Stay healthy . Being Drug Free Is My Responsibility. Stop it for life . 1.
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