Habitat Diversity . An arbitrary group of individuals who share some common characteristic such as geographical location, cultural background, historical timeframe, religious perspective, value system, and so on. Human activities have led to an increase in the levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (dinitrogen oxide, N2O) in the atmosphere, and there are fears that this may lead to global warming. The formula for Simpson’s diversity index will be supplied and does not need to be memorized Guru IB ESS Essay Question 41 42. That part of the Earth inhabited by organisms, that is, the narrow zone (a few kilometres in thickness) in which plants and animals exist. ... One mark for each definition. Provisioning services such as food, clean water, timber, fiber and genetic resources 2. • Biodiversity is the amount of biological or living diversity in a specific area. Use the quizlet flashcards or other tools such as learn, scatter, space race, speller and test to help you master the vocabulary. {"cdnAssetsUrl":"","site_dot_caption":"Cram.com","premium_user":false,"premium_set":false,"payreferer":"clone_set","payreferer_set_title":"IB ESS definitions","payreferer_url":"\/flashcards\/copy\/ib-ess-definitions-1953307","isGuest":true,"ga_id":"UA-272909-1","facebook":{"clientId":"363499237066029","version":"v2.9","language":"en_US"}}. Eutrophication is accelerated by human activities that add detergents, sewage or agricultural fertilizers to bodies of water. An organism’s ecological niche depends not only on where it lives but also on what it does. An unequivocal, precise, and generally accepted definition of biodiversity does not exist. Topic 3 - ESS answers Page 169 1. The process by which two populations become separated by geographical, behavioural, genetic or reproductive factors. Vegetative diversity refers to the number of different species of vegetation present. The cumulative, gradual change in the genetic characteristics of successive generations of a species or race of an organism, ultimately giving rise to species or races different from the common ancestor. We'll bring you back here when you are done. Usually known as halocarbons and first identified as depleting the ozone layer in the stratosphere. 2016). E.F. Connor, E.D. Gross National Product, the current value of all goods and services produced in a country per year. Such a survey should include a baseline study to measure environmental conditions before development commences, and to identify areas and species of conservation importance. The ‘habitat heterogeneity hypothesis’ is one of the cornerstones of ecology (e.g. A group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. “Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.” – Thomas Malthus 4.1.2 Outline the mechanism of natural selection as a … The orderly process of change over time in a community. To a large extent, the number and definition of these habitat types follows the one used used in the red-list assessments of Finnish species and habitat types from 2000 and … Ecosystemsare dynamic complexes of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-livi… Definition. 2. 67, United Nations, New York, 1997. an ecosystem’s capacity to survive change may depend on diversity, resilience and inertia. In what ways might the solutions explored in this topic alter our predictions for the state of human societies and the biosphere some decades from now? International scientific collaboration is important in the conservation of biodiverse regions. A relationship between individuals of two or more species in which all benefit and none suffer. The term "biodiversity" has replaced the term" nature" in much literature on conservation issues-does this represent a paradigm shift? image from https://courses.lumenlearning.com. ​Biodiversity: The amount of biological or living diversity per unit area. A state of balance among the components of a system. by sophie-jane11, Habitat diversity is the number of different habitats that one particular region can provide. In spite of many tools and data sources, biodiversity remains difficult to quantify precisely. If they tend to move in opposite directions, they are said to be negatively correlated. Given the five mass extinctions of the past, is this something that the human race should be concerned about? Unsustainable development can lead to species extinction. ​The ability to assess changes to biodiversity in a given community over time is important in assessing the impact of human activity in the community. [4M] Ans: biodiversity: The amount of biological or living diversity per unit area. Habitat diversity is the number of different habitats that one particular region can provide. Areas that are high in biodiversity are known as hotspots. The angular distance from the equator (that is, north or south of it) as measured from the centre of the Earth (usually in degrees). Even more important would be to estimate turnover of biodiversity, not just point estimates in space or time. Oct. 2011. The habitat is an important concept in biology and microbiology in particular because microorganisms are greatly affected by where they live. An increase in average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. Introducing Cram Folders! A community of organisms that is more or less stable, and that is in equilibrium with natural environmental conditions such as climate (the end point of ecological succession) Community. A vertical section through a soil, from the surface down to the parent material, revealing the soil layers or horizons. The challenge is for nations, government agencies, organisations and individuals to protect and enhance biological diversity, while continuing to meet people's needs for natural resources. When it comes to ESS IB, it is very important that you write a good ESS IA. Diverse plant communities increase the likelihood that some of the plants that serve as required food and cover species for a particular wildlife species are present. It includes the concepts of species diversity, habitat diversity and genetic diversity. The habitat diversity of a given ecosystem was calculated with Euclidean distances for each habitat (based on chemical, physical, and biological characteristics) and … Habitat diversity – Variety of different types of habitat (place where animals live) and ways in which species live or survive. Most of the indicators of Biodiversity.fi have been grouped according to the main habitat types present in Finland. A group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time, and which are capable of interbreeding. Species that have a small genetic diversity are more at risk of being wiped out by diseases. Capable of being broken down by natural biological processes; for example, the activities of decomposer organisms. A non-living, physical factor that may influence an organism or ecosystem; for example, temperature, sunlight, pH, salinity, precipitation. The range of genetic material present in a gene pool or population of a species. The loss or damage to habitats has resulted in the loss of biodiversity in Ireland including (according to The Heritage Council) over 29 different bird species and 120 flowering plants, which are in serious decline. The distinction between habitat diversity and other types of environmental variation is clarified by consid-ering Hutchinson's (1957) definition of the niche "hy-pervolume" and the conceptually analogous partitioning of interspecific competition along different environmental axes (Birch 1957, Park 1962, May 1975). A habitat is a home environment which provides the natural conditions / environment for a plant or animal to live. Other doubling times can then be calculated proportionately, that is, the doubling time for any human population is equal to 70 divided by the natural increase rate. But precise answers are seldom needed to devise an effective understanding of where biodiversity is, how it is changing over space and time, the drivers responsible for such change, the consequences of such change for ecosystem services and human well-being, and the response options available. The Socotra archipelago in the Arabian Sea supports so many diverse and unique species that it has been described as the most alien place on Earth. A measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen required to break down the organic material in a given volume of water through aerobic biological activity. The most well known are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Mutations involve a permanent change in the DNA sequence ... Population Selective breeding by humans to domesticate animals or grow plants with specific traits has reduced the gene pool in many species. Definition: Habitat diversity refers to the range of habitats present in a region. A habitat or a group of related habitats can be considered an ecosystem. A community of interdependent organisms and the physical environment they inhabit. Abundance is the number of individuals of each species. The movement of the eight major and several minor internally rigid plates of the Earth’s lithosphere in relation to each other and to the partially mobile asthenosphere below. Often, but not inevitably, the later communities in such a sequence or sere are more complex than those that appear earlier. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Conservation of habitat diversity usually leads to the conservation of species and genetic diversity. IN POTHWAR, PAKISTAN As human populations increase, land use increases, and wild species have smaller spaces to call home. Ideally, to assess the conditions and trends of biodiversity either globally or sub-globally, it is necessary to measure the abundance of all organisms over space and time, using taxonomy (such as the number of species), functional traits (for example, the ecological type such as nitrogen-fixing plants like legumes versus non-nitrogen-fixing plants), and the interactions among species that affect their dynamics and function (predation, parasitism, compe­tition, and facilitation such as pollination, for instance, and how strongly such interactions affect ecosystems). The form in which human population growth rates are usually expressed: crude birth rate – crude death rate/. By Jennifer Stearns, Michael Surette . A natural increase rate of 1% will enable a human population to double in 70 years. … The release of pollutants from numerous, widely dispersed origins; for example, gases from the exhaust systems of vehicles. Habitat diversity is the range of different habitats in an are… The abiotic environment is most important for plants there (te… Has many layers which creates a multi-storied apartment block… The main biomes display zonation in relation to latitude and climate. A collection of ecosystems sharing similar climatic conditions; for example, tundra, tropical rainforest, desert. Sometimes the term “dry weight biomass” is used where mass is measured after the removal of water. The natural greenhouse effect is caused mainly by water and carbon dioxide. This would therefore create new species. Biodiversity of India: As per available data, the varieties of species living on the earth are 1753739. Population... Brine reject can be solved using a method developed by Farid Benyahia. In Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Darwin identifies two different methods of adaptation that take place amongst organic species: natural and arti... Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language. Most species are less than 1mm long so they are easily overlooked. Examples listed are just some of the acceptable answers. GM crops are actually responsible for the loss of species diversity; and many of the causes of species loss e.g. A simplified description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system or concept. The condition of a system in which there is a tendency for it to return to a previous equilibrium condition following disturbance. 4.1.1 Define the terms biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity, and habitat diversity 2Guru IB ESS 3. A system in which energy, but not matter, is exchanged with its surroundings. I tell the students that we are going to be using an organizer to help us learn and remember what the word "biodiversity" means. Biodiversity plays an important role in the way ecosystems function and in the services they provide. A generic term for heterogeneity. If two variables tend to move up or down together, they are said to be positively correlated. The Habitat Diversity Hypothesis. It includes the concepts of species diversity, habitat diversity and genetic diversity. It may be intraspecific or interspecific. Natural resources that cannot be replenished within a timescale of the same order as that at which they are taken from the environment and used; for example, fossil fuels. If gene flow between the two subpopulations is prevented, new species may evolve. Habitat, place where an organism or a community of organisms lives, including all living and nonliving factors or conditions of the surrounding environment. Each individual species possesses genes which are the source of its own unique features: In human beings, for example, the huge variety of people's faces reflects each person's genetic individuality. The condition of an open system in which there are no changes over the longer term, but in which there may be oscillations in the very short term. The number of births per thousand individuals in a population per year. A method of detailed survey required, in many countries, before a major development. A living, biological factor that may influence an organism or ecosystem; for example, predation, parasitism, disease, competition. Plant communities may also display zonation with altitude on a mountain, or around the edge of a pond in relation to soil moisture. There are continuing inputs and outputs of matter and energy, but the system as a whole remains in a more or less constant state (for example, a climax ecosystem). A group of organisms that interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Jungle or forest ecosystems are likely to have a higher habitat diversity than desert or tundra ecosystems. A system in which both matter and energy are exchanged with its surroundings (for example, natural ecosystems). The concepts of functional diversity and composition are complex and often used without an accompanying definition. ... One mark for each definition. Feedback that amplifies or increases change; it leads to exponential deviation away from an equilibrium. A numerical measure of species diversity that is derived from both the number of species (variety) and their proportional abundance. You have created 2 folders. Species become extinct before they have been discovered. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. A habitat is a place where any organism or biological population lives or occurs. Habitat ACRONYMS AREAS COUNTRIES MARINE TERMS DEFINITION Habitat means the place or type of site where an organism or population naturally occurs. The return of part of the output from a system as input, so as to affect succeeding outputs. Whilst the CMS definition focuses on species, the CBD definition allows for the presence of populations or organisms to delineate habitats and also specifies the … Food and water are two very essential components of an organism's habitat. Topic 3 - ESS answers Page 169 1. How to use habitat in a sentence. Natural resources that have a sustainable yield or harvest equal to or less than their natural productivity; for example, food crops, timber. A species’ share of a habitat and the resources in it. Darwin and Lamarck were both scientists interested in the mechanism of evolution. The Habitat Diversity Hypothesis. The gain by producers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time. habitat diversity: the range of different habitats in an ecosystem. Conservation of habitat diversity usually leads to the conservation of species and genetic diversity. Biodiversity in a given area is dependent on many different parameters and the interrelationships between these factors. This includes both the number of species present and their relative abundance. Those atmospheric gases which absorb infrared radiation, causing world temperatures to be warmer than they would otherwise be. Now known to be potent greenhouse gases. Changes in the community of organisms frequently cause changes in the physical environment that allow another community to become established and replace the former through competition. ENDANGERED (EN) – when it is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. Regulating services such as climate, floods, disease, water quality and pollination 3. Photochemical smog is produced through the effect of ultraviolet light on the products of internal combustion engines. • It includes the concepts of species diversity, habitat diversity, and genetic diversity What is Biodiversity? The Gaia hypothesis (developed by James Lovelock and named after an ancient Greek Earth goddess) compares the Earth to a living organism in which feedback mechanisms maintain equilibrium. Species diversity is one component of the concept of biodiversity. Environmental systems and societies is a complex course, therefore you have a range of different topics. At the other extreme, it may be a microhabitat of less than 1 m², for example decaying wood, or animal dung in grassland environments. The environment in which a species normally lives. ENDANGERED (EN) – when it is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild. A relationship between two species in which one species (the parasite) lives in or on another (the host), gaining all or much (in the case of a partial parasite) of its food from it. Malthus is an English economist who is best known for his ess... “During the first minute of your time reading this, an estimated 255 babies were born. Habitat diversity is made up of several components. A common demand by two or more organisms upon a limited supply of a resource; for example, food, water, light, space, mates, nesting sites. A measure of the amount of disorder, chaos or randomness in a system; the greater the disorder, the higher the level of entropy. The amount of biological or living diversity per unit area. environmental or the ecological area in which an organism inhabits A group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat. Source Publication: Glossary of Environment Statistics, Studies in Methods, Series F, No. Those components are food, water, shelter and space. Other metabolic losses may take place, but these may be ignored when calculating and defining net productivity for the purpose of this course. More economically developed country: a highly industrialized country with high average GNP per capita. Microbial habitats — including soils, rivers, lakes, oceans, on the surface of living and dead things, inside other organisms, on man-made structures, and everything in between — provide nutrients and protect cells from harsh conditions. The number of deaths per thousand individuals in a population per year. The following is a list of some of the benefits, or services, of biodiversity: 1. Habitat destruction is a process in which the natural habitat is rendered functionally unable to support the species present. Jungle or forest ecosystems are likely to have a higher habitat diversity than desert or tundra ecosystems. The definition pops up large and clear at the top of the screen--"the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem." Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Environmental, Social And Environmental Effects Of The Industrial Revolution, The Genetion And Heredity Effects Of Evolution And Natural Selection, Analysis Of SIMP: The Most Modifiable Software Based Amortization Model, DNA Structure And Structure: DNA Structure And Function, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Overpopulation, The Causes And Effects Of Overpopulation Over The World, Artificial Selection In Charles Darwin's On The Origin Of Species. A system is: an assemblage of parts, their relationship forming a whole. Habitat definition is - the place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows. A mixture of mineral particles and organic material that covers the land, and in which terrestrial plants grow. It may contain ozone and is damaging to the human respiratory system and eyes. A habitat is made up of physical factors such as soil, moisture, range of temperature, and availability of light as well as biotic factors such as the availability of food and the presence of predators. The gain by producers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after allowing for respiratory losses (R). A system that exchanges neither matter nor energy with its surroundings. An assemblage of parts and the relationships between them, which together constitute an entity or whole. Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms on earth - the different plants, animals and micro-organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. ) Add to folder[?] Succession increases species diversity as there are new habitats been formed and a more complex ecosystem had been formed. Supporting services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling ​A key tool used by conservation biologists to assess the effect of the disturbance is use of diversity indices, such as the Simpson’s index. However some might argue that technologies e.g. 2. The word "habitat" has been in use since about 1755 and derives from the Latin habitāre, to inhabit, from habēre, to have or to hold.Habitat can be defined as the natural environment of an organism, the type of place in which it is natural for it to live and grow. Join Bill Nye as he explores environments and ecosystems in a search of biodiversity. Genetic technologies can be helpful conservation tools, particularly when they help us better monitor the species we are trying to preserve, but they are no substitute for protecting habitats. They would otherwise be site where an organism or population of a in... 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