Microbiologist speaks out:H1NI vaccine is actually a bio-weapon. The United States is no more a monolithic union than the nations of the world are a global brotherhood. Read article here, V Is For Victory When We Stand United Against The New World Order. It connects many dots that needed to be connected and brings us to the point of horrific truth, that needs to be publicly known. – The Republic, Plato The 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City was a direct blow to the heart of America. Lew Jones and his son died at Jonestown. Read article here. Here, Nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has come forward as being the developer of the technology being used in Iran’s new “flying saucer.” His technology is claimed to harness magnetism and gravity to allow travel throughout the solar system and beyond. We can trace it forward too; the ways of deceptive government did not end with the ascent of Obama. Watch movie here, January 11, 2013, marked the 11th year that the infamous Guantanamo prison has been in operation by the United States. The plan that was stopped, aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government. While global uprisings now threaten global governance under a single currency, scheming rulers have long anticipated this reaction. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorizes the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Law of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a battlefield. These attacks are a coordinated attempt to depopulate 90% of humanity. Unfortunately, the CIA, through LOOKING GLASS, MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, PANDORA, and other behavioral science programs were ready to answer the call. In fact, it does the opposite. If anyone doubted the truth movement, after watching this movie I think the only skeptics that will remain are the liars who run or benefit from the system and those choosing to live in denial. Read more here, 190 scientists from 38 nations have submitted the International EMF Scientist Appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk from this rapidly increasing environmental pollutant. United we stand. We can choose prosperity. This film is a big picture view of the vast scope of the corruption and deception carried out by our own governments. Welcome to the health dictatorship. Read Article Here, No Planes Were Used To Bring Down Any Towers On 911. Eventually extraditing and prosecuting Julian Assange as an enemy of the state is an important element in the effort to kill the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights. The many will choose whats best for the many, not the few. Not "The Peoples Temple," but Cabalism or illuminism i.e. The Grove hotel hosted Google’s annual Zeitgeist conference just a few short days prior to Bilderberg’s gathering. You've never seen Jonestown like this. Read article here, Cell Phone Tower Hell On Apartment Roofs Springing Up Everywhere, Corrupt cell phone companies cowardly hiding their towers of hell on the roof of rental units. Read article here, Voting … is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens, The past has shown us when faced with tyranny and corruption, there is only one way for the masses to regain freedom : Rise up, resist, revolt, strike, defy and do it in mass. It is a system of money that was created by the bankers and that operates for the benefit of the bankers. Read article here, 13 Lies: An Abbreviated History Of U.S. Presidents Leading Us To War, Those of you who long ago figured out that George Bush lied about, and twisted, 9-11, the role of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Osama, and WMDs to justify the invasions of Afghanistan, and Iraq, and to create the War on Terror, will not be surprised to learn that our prior Presidents, and their complicit henchmen, have lied us into every war since our Revolution. By the end of that day, 918 men, women and children will die. Trump did NOT concede, and the “transition of power” doesn’t necessarily mean a transition to Biden | Lin Wood Explains “Many Traitors” To Be Arrested Shortly | Final List of Confirmed Traitors Acquired Last Night During Congressional Vote | There are two options remaining for defending America now: 1) Trump invokes the military authority option and initiates the mass arrests.2) Armed patriots rise up to defend the nation and declare independence from tyranny. I don’t see rescue. Destroying the dollar as the world’s reserve currency is only the beginning. Just like the rest of the mass media circus. Read article here, A Noble Lie: A New Film Exposing The Truth Of The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, Noble Lie: A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite. Something the US Government and global media was complicit in. Read article here. Belligerents like America and Israel put their own priorities above international laws. So why is Washington now supporting al-Qaeda’s overthrow of the secular, non-Islamist government in Syria which has never ever done anything whatsoever to Americans!? Read article here, The 9/11 attacks have directly led to a dangerous interventionist US foreign policy based on preemptive military action that has transcended administrations and political paradigms. We have been tricked into fighting perpetual wars of mass genocide for pointless profit. With All The Extreme Government Corruption, Why Are People Still Supporting The System With Money? We out number the new world order millions to one. Carter was seeking solace after the horrors of Vietnam, others were fleeing unhappy childhoods and other traumas. It is a gang. (they should not) Here, THE REAL REVOLUTION = UNITYREVERSE THE CONTROLPYRAMID. This speech and several others in the movie Network (1976) holds as true today as it did back then. Part of the Depopulation Agenda, Truth11 Films | 12th Film | WARNING: Global Extermination In Full Effect. Its time to wake up. Read artilce here, Truth11 Films | Wireless GenocideMicrowave RadiationPart of the Depopulation Agenda. Read article and download document here. In 1978, the bodies hundreds of followers of the Reverend Jim Jones were found, poisoned, in Jonestown, a jungle compound established in Guyana, a small South American country. The Swoop and Squat, 2. COVID: where are the courageous religious leaders? Read article here, We Need A Revolution, But These Riots are an Anti-Revolution By Design, “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. Read article here, The King family’s civil trial found the US government guilty of Dr. King’s assassination, US Corporate media refused to cover the trial or interview Dr. King’s wife. Read Article Here, As these videos demonstrate, overpopulation is a myth. ….As is taught in Buddhism; Suffering is ended by the light of awareness. They jointly plan and wage wars. Read article here, The Big Picture Truth About The Global Warming Scam, Enough is enough of this complete bullshit, Several years ago, the sun was unusually active and all the planets in our solar system experienced a time of “global warming”. Recently emails have been released outlining the deceit, conspiriacy and corruption. This is unprecedented and is very dangerous. Today there are literally millions of people who actually believe that we need to dramatically reduce the number of humans on the planet for the good of the earth. Spiro and Dr. Kaufman discuss the expanding curtailment of basic civil liberties being normalized under the false pretext of a global health emergency. dylan.eleven@gmail.com. It’s time to ditch the policies we have come to tolerate for decades before they consume what is left of our moral core. Will you be subject to detention when martial law is imposed during a major national emergency? While she may not be human, she is a devoted leader and Monarch and she believes her subjects will grow to accept her and her family for what they are.” Read article here, Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job. …In order to maintain the illusion of a democracy, we are still allowed a presidential election every four years; and no one president can serve more than two four year terms. Read articles here and here and a video explanation here, Rothschild Bankers Looting Nations Through World Bank/IMF, The World Bank/IMF is owned and controlled by NM Rothschild & Sons plus 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world. From who invented microwave radiation, how it has developed, and the big picture view of exactly what its doing to us all, by whom, why they are doing it and how they are getting away with it, and what we can do about it. Ireland is now expected to be the first country to leave the Euro. They used their main cutout in the DOD to lure the Able Danger investigators to the Pentagon Naval Intel meeting room, where they would be assassinated by a Tomahawk cruise missile that was fired from an Israeli Dolphin class Diesel submarine bought from Germany. Read article here. Tell others about Truth11.com and sites like Truth11 so they can find out what is really going on. It is being done through chemicals added to our drinking water, food, medicines, and the air we breathe – chemicals that have the known effect of reducing fertility and shortening lifespan. The first rule of the elite was and is; to ‘Divide and Concur’. We must not fall for this. The global elite, nazi, sabbetean mafia who have been running our world for thousands of years, are currently carrying out plans to exterminate 95% of the worlds population. Read article here. I see Trump selling the vaxx. The camps are built, the drills have been run. This is a comprehensive list of subjects that control our planet. It is adorned with disturbing graphic images of burning bushes, people in coffins, children crying, and a soldier with an AK47 and sword killing the dove of peace. This feature length film, a hybrid of documentary and drama, tracks the final, 5-day build up to a horrific doomsday - the infamous mass murder/suicides of Jim Jones' People's Temple on November 18th, 1978. We’ve reached the point that any person with critical thinking skills can no longer deny that we are being deliberately poisoned. Pregnant Women Included, Winter Solstice marks the Dawn of a New Age, Time to Update our Calendar System. Although great lengths are taken to ensure the population are swayed by the news of horrible events, mass shootings, real, staged or provoked it is not the reason the guns are wanted out of our hands. He’s waging war on freedom. Read article here, Vaccine TruthNo documents exist proving saftey or effectiveness of any vaccine. The film will be released soon, date to be announced. Here is a list of reasons why. This is the final frontier, take the truth pill. So, why declare an emergency if there isn’t one? A chemical warfare has been declared on us. There is no money drives or requests for donations. Extensively covering FEMA, and FEMA camps, executive orders and the growing police state. The average cumulative whole-body exposure from a Smart meter at 3 feet is about 100 times more than that from a cell phone. Don’t get on the bus to the camps, if your on the Main Core list get off the grid. The plan nearly worked as the death of African American George Floyd triggered huge, coordinated acts of looting and vandalism all over the United States. For now Clinton, Bush, Baker and the other Bilderberg Nazi’s are trying to cut a deal with China that will allow them access to large amounts of funds which they plan to hide and use to re-assert their power after the current political storm blows over, the source says. The towers fell by controlled demolition. The worlds largest man made ecological disaster continues to unfold. LIABILITY: All government officials who have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise aided and abetted this vaccine fraud can now be charged with vaccine fraud, criminal malfeasance and in some cases, war crimes under the Nuremberg Code. Watch The Full Movie Here Or download it from InfoWars.com, If you still don’t know what to believe about 9/11 or doubt the 9/11 truth movement and believe the official story, then please listen to the people that were on the 9/11 commission. It is disturbing. It was the first desegregated church in Indiana. Just another addition to the long list of diminishing human rights. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorizes the indefinite military detention, without charge or trial, of any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Law of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a battlefield. Read article here and see the Icelandic President discuss choosing democracy and human rights over the banks here, The Genocide Of The American People | Food As A Weapon. The entropy caused by nuclear experimentation of both kinds permeates the elements and rattles all life at an atomic level, negatively altering our biological heritage, our land, and our health – everything we value. Read Article Here, “[T]he occupier, by seeing this sign (V), always the same, infinitely repeated, [would] understand that he is surrounded, encircled by an immense crowd of citizens eagerly awaiting his first moment of weakness, watching for his first failure.” Read Article Here. CENSORED WAR ON FREE SPEECH FULL DOCUMENTARY 2020. This site does not make money at all. Today marks the end of the pandemic”, “Our demand is to go back to democracy. The US government, using a secret military program HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has been altering the climate, and using high power microwave energy inducing earthquakes including the Asian Tsunami (2004) and earthquakes in Japan (1995), China (2008), Haiti (2010), Chile (2010). The film shows a symbolic organization and unification of the populous to rise up at once to take control. What they call “progressive” is actually designed to weaken and destroy us. Others simply hear what he says and base their opininon on that. Read article here. Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid, Dr Andrew Kaufman at Red Pill Expo | The Pandemic Fraud is Deeper Than You Think, Media Blackout: Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Deaths in Vaccine Trials — 6 in Vaccine Group, 7 in Placebo, Investigative Reporting Details Massacres, Reign of Terror by US-Backed Death Squads in Afghanistan, 100,000 doctors & medical professionals oppose COVID-19 vaccine | Dr Andrew Kaufman | The vaccine is now set to kill and cripple the seniors and the uninformed in the first wave of genocide, their vaccine induced deaths and disease states will be used as the excuse to force the vaccine on everyone else, as the evil media and corrupt government will simply re-label the medical genocide as COVID-19 or something more deadly than COVID. The avowed, deliberate intent of these sinister machinations is to embed the use of death squads and drone terror attacks into the policy apparatus of future administrations, so that the killing of human beings outside all pretense of legal process will go on, year after year after year, even when the Nobel Peace Laureate has left office. In addition to the recent study published in Environmental Research Letters entitled, Cost Analysis of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Delivery Systems, a 2010 study undertaken on behalf of the Belfort Group, a Belgian “environmental watchdog” organization, also corroborates much of the information compiled by citizens and activists the world over regarding the existence of chemtrails and stratospheric weather modification programs. This is a major breaktrough, as Focus Money is the second in the market for ecomomic magazines by numbers, edition about 140.000, views probably 50% more. Colluded to lie to the public5. The site of the secretive 2013 Bilderberg meeting. Tax exempt foundations and mega corporations are filling the gap. See photos here, Fake wars, fake war on drugs, drugs peddled by hypocritical government, the military industrial complex set to kill and invasions continue, Whether it’s under Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, or Obama, the policies have remained the same and the damage to our bottom line has been mountainous. The World is in a Global War between the Khazarian Luciferian Roman cult and their sycophants v All of Humnanity. Their model; Force and Hypocrisy, used to destroy whole countries in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights” and “free trade”. Joseph Moshe is a microbiologist who had called a radio station, and stated that the H1NI vaccine is actually a bio-weapon, and is the DEPLOYMENT OF A PLAGUE. The information on Truth11 is easily accessible. The glowing health claims and the stamps of approval from the EPA, the FDA, and USDA, are fraudulent smoke and mirrors – people are actually being deceived into spending money to purchase the substances that will lead to disease and demise. Many, many more will die when the real feast of death begins. Police State 4 | The Rise Of FEMA | Alex Jones, Another excellent documentary by Alex Jones. We must expose the puppet masters to free the masses from their grip. The central bankers finagled our national credit cards and create money out of thin air. Directed by Andrew Jones. Global daily tyranny of the few must end, this we all know. Transport shut down. The people must organize to ensure that what emerges from the current Plandemic False Flag serves the people and not the cabal that have been running the world from the Shadows for millennia! Have you ever wondered why most major municipal water utilities across America continue to artificially fluoridate public water supplies when inexpensive fluoride toothpastes are readily available for those who choose to use them? Not just for one event but to act in unison as a collective making decisions for the collective. A draconian Internet censorship bill that has been long looming on the horizon finally passed the house of commons in the UK yesterday, legislating for government powers to restrict and filter any website that is deemed to be undesirable for public consumption. George Bush and Barack Obama did this to prove they were true statesmen. Read article here, Centralized government identity program dismissed as being too draconian for Communist China, A new program being touted by the Obama administration as a solution to online identity theft actually increases the risk of identity theft while providing the government with a national ID system through the backdoor, paving the way for a world wide web in which users will need government permission to access the Internet. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things. Minus Hitler and his bankster and industrialist backers, 160,000 troops would not have landed on the beaches of Normandy and 10,000 American, British, and Canadian troops would not have died. We need to scrap all forms of control by any few. This is confirmed by Agenda 21, (the UN’s agenda for the 21st Century) which calls for an inventory of everything and demands that people give up private property. When it comes to the truth, these pictures speak volumes. We know that no plane hit the Pentagon or building 7, but what about the planes that we have all seen footage of hitting the twin towers. Among the most important corporate media censored news stories of the past decade, one must be that over one million people have died because of the United States military invasion and occupation of Iraq. Read article here. on the 40th anniversary of the deaths of more than 900 people in the Peoples Temple in Guyana. In the past week, independent weatherman ‘Dutchsinse’ shot several YouTube videos dissecting the typhoon system passing through the Philippines, believing it to be produced by weather manipulation, specifically microwave pulse technology. In reality, the same destructive energy that powers one, powers the other. A five panel tribunal delivered a unanimous guilty verdict after a week long trial that, unsurprisingly, was not covered by American media. Support the troops” is a clever PR slogan that causes Americans to turn a blind eye to the brutal exploitation of our soldiers and military families for profit and for an evil ideology. We have thrown over $1.3 trillion down Middle East rat holes over the last 11 years with no discernible benefit to the citizens of the United States. Read article here. The corporate media tells us the crisis is the result of ineptitude and mismanagement at the Federal Reserve. Read articles here and here and here. The plan involved a fake alien invasion, germ warfare, starvation, atomic war and artificially generated disasters like tsunamis and earthquakes. This goes beyond the question of whether the disaster is real or imagined. He heads America’s Murder, Inc. agenda. This time he has to respond to Alex Jones on TV . Read article here, George Bush Telling The Truth For A Change, This speech is created from clips of several speeches to tell us all what bush really thinks. Communists are satanists. It hast to start somwhere, it has to start somehow, what better place than here, what better time than now? See film Here, As Americans mindlessly celebrate another Memorial Day with cookouts, beer and burgers, the U.S. war machine keeps churning. The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. It has been called the great culling. From ASR, a global coastal and marine consulting firm, The Radioactive Seawater Impact Map. Watch Jonestown (Season 2018, Episode 180922) of Dateline or get episode details on NBC.com The American police perform no positive function. See movie here. …we are apposed around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, …I am asking for your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. Police violating rights, lying, beating, abducting, raping and torturing protestors. Even if they get a large chunk of law abiding citizens to hand in their guns it would be that many people that would not rise up against them armed when the hammer falls. Executive Orders: The Hallmarks Of Fascistic Tryanny. Or proof that you hear what you need to hear? Satanists On The Run | Revolution Is Coming, Satanists who have participated in the plot to enslave humanity are worried and are starting to run. Don’t get on the bus to the camps, resist Nazi Fascist control. It was submitted on 11 may 2015 to His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, to Dr. Margaret Chan, MD, Director General of the World Health Organization, and to the United Nations Member States. Please excuse the repetition. A frightening responsibility. Read article here, Justice Department memos“legalizing” the crime of aggressive war were secret. In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. ‘There was nothing special about us,” says Tim Carter. The Israeli Mossad front company, Urban Moving Systems, was used to transport the mini-nukes made from the stolen W-54 nuclear pits from Pantex (and originally made at the Hanford processing plant), where they were stored in the Israeli Embassy in NYC and transported to the Twin Towers for detonation on 9-11-01. Here is how to navigate the site: On every page: the main menu is listed below the article you have selected. Read more here. This must end. Two disturbing developments have occurred in the last couple of days that have gone relatively unnoticed. Read article here, Click here to watch the Apple Commercial that aired only twice, New World Order Organizational Chart and the Pyramid of Power HERE, Part 1 | Evolution and revolution of the central banking system, Part 2 | Origins of the American empire: Revolution, World wars and World Order, Part 3 | Controlling the global economy: Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve, Scams and Bailouts Are The Cause Of World Depression, This is a great article summarizing all that has and is causing our current global economic crisis. Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation. It spells out how the elite have worked tirelessly to bankrupt a once proud, industrious, and self-reliant nation through financial terrorism. The film V for Vendetta is a shining example of what we are facing and how we can overcome a fight against a corrupt fascist government. It would be nice to think that the reason behind the gun control debate was the safety of the population. The truth will set us free, because we are imprisoned and enslaved to a corrupt system that relies on illusion and lies. This film ties in all areas of attack and shows if you look at the big picture for what it is; a global extermination plan, you will see the truth. It is proliferating unchecked and people are suffering and dying because of it. Prison Guard Unions. Truth11 films presents its 4th short film Techno Revolution + Self-Government System. Movie Info A survivor of the Jonestown massacre returns to the site 10 years later and discovers the cult's former home has become a breeding ground for the supernatural. In doing this, HAARP can perform a number of functions. Anytime you have entire nations so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware. destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities within three years; prolonging war on Syria by arming anti-Assad elements; Internet control through “cyber resilience;”. The masses must rise up, unite, and demand world peace. Read article here. Read article here, Canada Being Assimilated into a US Dominated North American Security Perimeter, Canada’s prime minister recently addressed the CFR. Illegal wars in the Middle East. These tyrants will stop at nothing to usher their hush, hush global aerosol agenda into full swing.According to a report prepared for the Air Force titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the WeatherBy 2025 the U.S. Air Force wants to fully control the weather on earth by the year 2025.Far surpassing even the most horrific act of terror (real or staged), posing as literal gods, these globalists will stop at nothing to control the world by not only controlling the fraudulent banking systems but by owning the weather through a process (blanket term) called Geoengineering. While the attacks have been increasingly severe in scale over the past four years, they have been implemented with technocratic precision. A microwave oven’s internal magnetron, which is virtually the same as that of a radar- or cell phone tower, transforms that electrical energy into microwaves. Confident with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent. Article here, Have now reached 1000 professional members, further legitimizing calls for a new investigation into the September 11th attacks based upon physical evidence and analysis that is completely inconsistent with the official story. He wants it destroyed on his watch. Led by powerful business magnates with the intention of ousting President Roosevelt and installing a Fascist dictatorship ruled by business magnates and a private army of half a million US soldiers, this coup was disrupted by Butler’s integrity and willingness to be one of the military industrial complex’s first whistleblowers. Read article here, The Connection Between Military Dominance + Planned Economic Crisis, The book Global Economic Crisis carefully ties militarization with the planned economic meltdown.The New World Order’s systematic destruction of the planet’s middle classes so as to concentrate wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer families. Under the cloak of doing good by fighting international crime, Google will likely be given full reign to not only monitor but infiltrate people and organizations that the DoD, DEA, CFR and other alphabet agencies desire. Nazi Rule has been in place since ww2 | Read article here, For lots of excellent Truth Documentaries click here, Co-operation vs. competition / Competition is enslaving us all / Economics, slavery and the financial crisis, The human spirit will thrive with co-operation: far more than with competition. One suspect dead, another kid has been nabbed and is being treated as a terrorist so no trial, straight to Guantanamo with him. Protesters chant “We are the people. Read Article Here, INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SARS-COV-2 AND OTHER FACTORS INCLUDING 5G | MAY 13 2020. Download document here, Microwave Weapons Designed To Kill Us= Cell Phones, WiFi, Cell Towers, Smart Meters… All Part of the Depopulation Agenda, Physicist Blows Whistle on Microwave WeaponryExposes Assaults on Populations Everywhere“We are irreparably damaging the very fabric of life”. Read article here, False flag attack, kill one patsy, nab another patsy, ship him off to Guantanamo and have a martial law training exercise, Martial law has been declared in Boston to hunt for another patsy. Read article here. A Storyville documentary. Watch film here. Aug. 4, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, where US warships were apparently attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats – an incident that kicked off US involvement in the Vietnam war – was a staged event that never actually took place. Work towards a replacement of the world to cull the population revolution solution its... A million people then to control a million people barium, and destroying the natural world furthering... 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