10. 4. Man has begun to overuse or misuse most of these natural ecosystems. Fig: Threats to biodiversity (Great Indian Bustard). Here we have covered Important Questions on Biodiversity and Conservation for Class 12 Biology subject.. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Biodiversity is under serious threat due to human activities. These are the species or taxa facing extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue to operate. Biology Important Questions Class 12 are given below.. 3. Welcome to Ecology MCQ-08 (Biodiversity Conservation). 9. Multiple Choice Questions These are the species which were earlier placed in one of the three above categories but which are now considered relatively secure because of the application of effective conservation methods. The solved questions answers in this Test: Biodiversity And Its Conservation (Level 1) quiz give you a good mix of … In Northern Hemisphere, there is a slow turnover of nutrient in the terrestrial ecosystem as compared to Southern Hemisphere. 1. The human population requires resources to survive and grow, and those resources are … Quiz competition or Quiz contest is one of the best ways to educate your employees, workers, and … Department of Environment, Government of India, has published two volumes of Red Data Book listing 435 endangered species of plants. 14. MCQs on Biodiversity : 1. This contains 90 Multiple Choice Questions for NEET Test: Biodiversity And Its Conservation (Level 1) (mcq) to study with solutions a complete question bank. You have selected wrong answer. The most important reason for biodiversity loss in today’s age is (a) over-exploitation (b) co-extinctions (c) alien species invasions (d) … The range of animal and plant life in an ecosystem are being destroyed which is leading to extinction of species. The red list of threatened species prepared by IUCN  lists 132 species of plants and animals as Critically Endangered, the most threatened category from India. Welcome to Ecology MCQ-07 (Biodiversity). Most of the extinct animals are vertebrates and extinct plants are angiosperms. MCQ quiz on Biodiversity multiple choice questions and answers on biodiversity MCQ questions quiz on biodiversity objectives questions with answer test pdf. 1, 2 & 3. Biodiversity is fast depleting. Please feel free to inform the Admin if you find any mistakes in the answer key.. Plant Physiology MCQ Molecular Biology MCQ Immunology MCQ Plant Physiology MCQ Animal Physiology MCQ Biotechnology MCQ Bioinformatics MCQ Cytology MCQ Genetics MCQ Evolution MCQ Embryology MCQ Biophysics MCQ Microbiology MCQ Ecology MCQ Research Meth. Free PDF Download of CBSE Biology Multiple Choice Questions for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 15 Biodiversity and Conservation. After marking your answers, please click ‘SUBMIT‘ button to see your ‘SCORE‘ and ‘CORRECT ANSWERS‘. biodiversity loss are : 1. Here you can get Class 12 Important Questions Biology based on NCERT Text book for Class XII.Biology Class 12 Important Questions are very helpful to score high marks in board exams. Changes in climate throughout our planet's history have, of course, altered life on Earth in the long run — ecosystems have come and gone and species routinely go extinct.But rapid, manmade climate change speeds up the process, without affording ecosystems and species the time to adapt. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Biology Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level. This MCQ set consists of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Multiple Choice Questions from the topic Biodiversity and Conservation Part 1 with Answer Key. III. 15. Botanical Survey of India has a Green book  which has a list of hundreds of rare plants . Exotic species are foreign or alien species entering into a new geographical area. Pollution. Among the following, a critically endangered plant species is:Dipterocarpus nilgirinsesisSaraca indicaCupressus cashmerianaTerminalia arjuna Welcome to Ecology MCQ-07 (Biodiversity). The area under the forest covers in India as per estimates of 2001 is:708,273 square km12.7 square km20.6 X 10 square km1666 square km Biology MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. 11. These are the species with fever individuals. Most of the trees of India in the tropical forest belongs to the family:ArecaceaeFabaceaeDipterocarpaceaeBromeliaceae Among the following which is NOT the correct explanation for high biodiversity in tropical rain forests?Long evolutionary timeMore surface areaHigh productivityMinimum competition Population. Terrestrial land, lakes, marshes, rivers and wetlands in the country are threatened by domestic pollution from sewage, industrial pollutants and toxic effluents. For example Indian Rhinoceros, Black buck, Asiatic lion, Great Indian Bustard are endangered species. Biology MCQs for Class 12 Chapter Wise with Answers PDF Download was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. 6. In which of the following Indian states the tiger is NOT found in wild:PunjabRajasthanUPArunachal Pradesh It identifies the sites known/ referred to as ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’. According to the World Conservation Monitoring Centre approximately 533 animal species and 384 plant species have become extinct during the last 500 years. Consider the following assumptions: (1) All known living organisms have parasites(2) A single host species can harbor more than one type of parasites(3) Parasites are species specificFrom the above information, it could be concluded that:Species of host organism is more than parasitesSpecies of parasites is more than host organismsNumber of parasites is equal to the number of hostsNo valid conclusion can be drawn Covering 70 per cent of the … These are the taxa which fall into any one of the above three categories- endangered vulnerable and rare. Students can solve NCERT Class 12 Biology Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs Pdf with Answers to know their preparation level. Biodiversity typically measures variation at the genetic, the species and the ecosystem level. The newly introduced species compete with the naturally occurring species for food and shelter and very often out compete the native species leading to the extinction. Q. Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs Let's see some important Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs. Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and growth in population have resulted in massive deforestation and consequential habitat loss around the world. Type of biome in California and coastal regions of Mediterranean Sea is:TaigaSavannahChaparralsTropical deciduous forests 7. Alien species invasions and 4. co-extinctions conservation of biodiversity means the conservation of gene complexes, species and ecosystem, Biodiversity is essential to global food security and nutrition. Such species are growing naturally today and are not vulnerable or endangered but are at risk. Biodiversity Tnpsc Gk questions and answers for competitive exams like Tnpsc Group 1, Group 2, Group 4 and Vao Questions and Answers. 60 seconds . If the same factor continues to operate as before the species is likely to extinct very soon. The probable reason is:Plants are not good in the uptake of nutrients in the northern hemisphereTemperature is low which is not suitable for nutrient recyclingHigh rainfall in the southern hemisphereSoil is nutrient deficient in the northern hemisphere 1. SURVEY . 1. 1 only. Many countries have their own Red Data Book. Overexploitation. Pollution affects the stability of ecosystem resulting in the reduction of biodiversity. These are the taxa suspected of belonging to one of the first three categories but for which insufficient information is currently available. Which of the above statements is/are correct. Tropical forests are losing 14000- 40000 species every year. (i) species of which most or all the populations are decreasing because of over exploitation, extensive destruction of habitat or other environmental disturbances, (ii) species with populations that have been seriously depleted and whose ultimate security is not yet assured and. Some are naturally rare and are able to maintain much small number. MCQ Biostatistics MCQ Botany MCQ Zoology MCQ, Lecture NotesBiology PPTVideo TutorialsBiology MCQQuestion BankDifference betweenPractical AidsMock Tests (MCQ)Biology Exams, Your email address will not be published. Play this game to review Biology. Q. The conservation of biodiversity are of two types: 1. Invasive Species. Which vertebrate group is more vulnerable to extinction?Options:(a) Birds (b) Amphibians(c) Mammals (d) FishesAnswer=BQ.2 From origin of life to its diversification on earth, there have occurred following number of episodes of mass Aceclofenac is a potential threat to vultures. The rare species have a population of less than 20,000 individuals. 5. Be it water, air, or land pollution, all forms of pollution appear to be a threat to all life forms … Please click "NEXT" Button to Start the Ecology MCQ 07.. Extinction due to human activities is termed as anthropogenic extinction. Eichhornia or water hyacinth grows vigorously in lakes and ponds becoming a great threat to the underline plants and animals. They often overlook the fact that biodiversity is a decisive factor in the provision of ecosystem services. Today, major loss to biodiversity in the world has been done by man. Plants or species whose population numbers are decreasing and likely to become severely threatened with time. Human domination is the greatest common thread of biodiversity because it takes advantage of his power and consumes all type of resources by endangering the life of other species. It is termed as. For example, rising ocean temperatures and diminishing Arctic sea ice affects marine biodiversity and can shift vegetation zones, having global i… CBSE Class 10 Maths Questions and Answers, CBSE Class 10 Science Questions and Answers, the decline in number of population in course of time, abundance and quality of natural habitat and, Biology and potential value of the species. Other rare species have become rare because of the interference of human or other unnatural forces. It is based on the assumption thatThe organism will not move from marked transectAll organisms are in the straight lineAnimals on the line are seenOrganism lack any competition answer choices . 13. Fig: Threats to biodiversity (Habitat Loss). All these factors have lead to the loss of natural habitats due to which several plants animals and microorganisms have become extinct or facing extinction. Terrestrial biodiversity tends to be greater near the equator which seems to be the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Coral reef ecosystem are also facing threats due to discharge of effluents from industries and thermal power plants, chemical pollution in oil spillage. Due to mindless and unsustainable resource use, once productive forest and grasslands have been turned into deserts, and wastelands have increased all over the world. Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity Multiple choice questions for GK paper in SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations Excessive withdrawal of water from wetlands, fishing, building of dams,jetties and canals have adversely affected the wetland ecosystems. Extinction means disappearance of species from any geographical region. Biodiesel is obtained from:Jatropha curcusCalotropisProsopisCatharanthus The ecosystem having the longest energy transfer time is:Tropical rain forestOpen OceanDesertTemperate Deciduous forest Get help with your Biodiversity homework. Please Share with Your Friends... MCQ on Biodiversity and Conservation Part 1. They are under constant stress due to natural and human activities. In which of the following Indian states the tiger is NOT found in wild: Among the following which is NOT the correct explanation for high biodiversity in tropical rain forests? You have selected correct answer.","quick_result_wrong_answer_text":"Wrong! Type of biome in California and coastal regions of Mediterranean Sea is: Among the following, a critically endangered plant species is: The area under the forest covers in India as per estimates of 2001 is: Among the following which plant family has been extensively used for the phytoremediation process? Unfortunately, biodiversity often takes a back seat when conservation measures are developed. Natural calamities such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc., cause mass extinction. Which threat of biodiversity is the root cause of all other threats to biodiversity? ","error_messages":{"email":"Not a valid e-mail address! It is termed asα‐Diversityβ-Diversityγ‐Diversityδ‐DiversityYou have reached at the end of the questions.Please Click 'SUBMIT' button to see your 'SCORE' and 'CORRECT ANSWERS' They can represent the category of endangered species if unfavourable conditions in the environment continue to operate. Threats to Biodiversity The core threat to biodiversity on the planet, and therefore a threat to human welfare, is the combination of human population growth and resource exploitation. Natural calamities such as volcanic eruptions, earthquake, glaciation, long periods of droughts, heavy or very little rainfall and diseases are great threats to biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to. It proved to be a great threat for the native small Cichlid fish which is endemic to this lake. Animal biologist generally uses Line‐transect method for estimating density. Pollution, urbanisation, deforestation, mining, cultivation, drying out wetlands, etc., are all ways to destroy a natural area. A biodiversity hot-spot is characterized by: Among the following which group of animals has the maximum number of endangered and critically endangered species as per the IUCN Red List? ","empty":"Please complete all required fields! The threat is to the extent that many plants and animals are facing extinction. Examples of endangered species due to over collection are Madonna lily (Lilium candidum) of Europe, Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) of North America, etc. Among the following which group of animals has the maximum number of endangered and critically endangered species as per the IUCN Red List?AmphibianReptileMammalsAves Download CBSE Class 12 Biology Biodiversity and Conservation MCQs Set B in pdf, Biology chapter wise Multiple Choice Questions free, Q.1. It lists plants grown in protected areas. It clogs rivers and lakes and threatens the survival of many aquatic species. 3 only. The range of animal and plant life in an ecosystem are being destroyed which is … This MCQ set consists of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Multiple Choice Questions from the topic Biodiversity and Conservation Part 1 with Answer Key. The concept of ‘biodiversity hotspots’ originated from this organization. Unplanned development, cutting of forests, over exploitation of natural resources, use of forest land for human settlements and industries are some of the human activities which have disturbed the natural habitats. ","number":"This field must be a number! Your email address will not be published. The answer key is prepared with best of our knowledge. This MCQ set consists of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Multiple Choice Questions from the topic Biodiversity and Conservation of Nature Part 2 with Answer Key. Most of the trees of India in the tropical forest belongs to the family: In Northern Hemisphere, there is a slow turnover of nutrient in the terrestrial ecosystem as compared to Southern Hemisphere. if(window.qmn_quiz_data===undefined){window.qmn_quiz_data=new Object()}This Set Consists of 15 Questions. These activities are the cause of mortality of many species. Species with small world population are termed as rare species. Excessive exploitation of certain species by human beings have resulted in their extinction. Wular, Dal and Chilika lakes and wetlands of Andaman and Nicobar Islands have been seriously affected. The probable reason is: Animal biologist generally uses Line‐transect method for estimating density. Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. 2. Pollution. Various natural and human activities have made the habitats unsuitable for several species of plants and animals. Threats to Biodiversity Biodiversity is under serious threat due to human activities. Which threat to biodiversity is the number one cause of loss of biodiversity? For instance, mangroves have been clea… Environment, Ecology & Biodiversity Multiple choice questions for GK paper in SSC, NDA, CDS, UPSC, UPPSC and State PSC Examinations. As we move from one geographical region to next neighboring region, species diversity tends to change. Biodiversity and Its Conservation Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 1. Biodiversity and its conservation Questions: MCQs Test - 01, Total Questions 15 Besides this agricultural run-offs containing pesticides and chemical fertilizers have increased the toxicity of lakes and ponds making them unfit for aquatic plants and animals. The number of species community depends upon the date of extinction. Please Click 'SUBMIT' button to see your 'SCORE' and 'CORRECT ANSWERS', (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}). Which of the following … Please click "NEXT" Button to Start the Ecology MCQ 07.. You have reached at the end of the questions. Because of deforestation, decreased transpiration leads to. Among the following which plant family has been extensively used for the phytoremediation process?PoaceaeBrassicaceaeMalvaceaeAnnonaceae Because of unfavourable factors or human interference its natural regeneration is not able to keep pace with destruction or exploitation.
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If a blue catfish is introduced and eats the large fish who eat the smaller fish, what will happen to the population of the smaller fish? A. Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs Let's see some important Biodiversity And Conservation MCQs. With the current rate of extinction, by the end of  21st century, earth may lose 50% of its species. IUCN has defined red data categories which specifies state of extinction process. The ecosystem having the longest energy transfer time is: As we move from one geographical region to next neighboring region, species diversity tends to change. These questions can be used for the preparation of all the competitive examinations in Biology / Life Sciences such as CSIR JRF NET, ICMR JRF, DBT BET JRF, GATE and other University Ph.D Entrance Examinations. Thus, to keep biodiversity and the environment in a healthy condition is a need of the day. Biodiversity. The Red Data Book lists the endangered species of plants and animals . It is based on the assumption that. All types of ecosystems are showing rapid change. Page 5 of Environment & Biodiversity Current Affairs Questions (MCQs) for SSC, Banking / IBPS, UPSC, IAS, NTSE, CLAT, Railways, NDA, CDS, Judiciary, UPPSC, RPSC, GJPSC, MPSC, MPPSC and other states civil services / government job recruitment examinations of India. A great threat for the phytoremediation process? PoaceaeBrassicaceaeMalvaceaeAnnonaceae 11 SUBMIT ‘ Button to Start Ecology. From industries and thermal power plants, chemical pollution in oil spillage alone for. The tiger is not correct world Conservation Monitoring Centre approximately 533 animal and. By human beings have resulted in massive deforestation and consequential habitat loss.... For you to understand click `` NEXT '' Button to see your ‘ SCORE ‘ ‘. Flowering plantsThreat perception 12: animal biologist generally uses Line‐transect method for density. 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