review and acceptance procedures in project management
b. e. Testing Standards & Methodology 303 0 obj
b. 10.11 Does or will the application software support extensibility appropriate for current and future business needs? f. Data Architecture Standards 11.4 Do the platforms meet reliability requirements? This deliverable template works well as is and can be tailored over time to make it your own. 1.8 Are funding and staffing resource estimates sufficiently detailed and documented for use in planning and tracking the project? 5.3 Have arrangements been made to obtain special expertise or competence by consulting or referencing: a. SQA Plan Similar projects? Formal Project Acceptance Requires a Signature by the Project Sponsor or Customer. The project sponsor is responsible for determining what will satisfy the business, and commissioning the proper project to create it. f. Cost & time performance against plan 7.7.4 Are all necessary Quality Control procedures in place? The first of our project management steps is to settle on the idea of a project; to scratch out the concept and agree that it will be taken further than the drawing board. 12.4 Do the networks meet reliability requirements? h. Security? 8.1 Are object-based design and layered architecture principles being employed? endstream
3.1 Does the project have a ‘Quality Culture’? 8.8.1 Are there design limitations which are impacting service delivery and/or performance? A formal deliverable review by committee is a necessary evil of a software project. a. 2.2.2 Are team members involved in the development of activity & task decomposition? Are SQA resources experienced? 1.1 Does the project have a formal Project Plan? Overall status c. Data Warehousing? Before a project can be closed out the Project Manager needs formal acceptance of the project by the Project Sponsor or Customer. 1.5 Have the scope, objectives, costs, benefits and impacts been communicated to all involved and/or impacted stakeholders and work groups? 12.2 Is there adequate project-based technical support? 4.2.3 Are issues raised, assessed, actioned, and resolved in a timely and efficient manner? It does, however, include the procedures with various tools that can be used for the management of projects . d. Recovery? 11.2 Is there adequate project-based technical support? 2.2.1 Has a structured approach been used to break work effort into manageable components? 11.6 Do the platforms represent ‘State-of-the Art’? 6.2 Are the people assigned to the project sufficiently qualified?
1.9 Does a documented project organizational policy & plan (i.e. 1.2 Are the key elements of a Project Plan present? 7.5.4 Do the design specification documents reference: 12.5 Do the networks represent ‘State-of-the Art’? i. 4.2.1 Is there a formal set of procedures supporting Issues Management? Both conditions must be met to achieve quality. The following provides a detailed checklist to assist in reviewing the health of a project at pre and post implementation stage. 5.1 Are all resource assumptions documented? scheduled, un-scheduled, defect repair, etc.)? Fast forward a couple thousand years, and the more standardi… Formal acceptance is one step of the close out process and doesn’t release the Project Manager or resources from the Project. Successful PMs demonstrate a high level of organization and attention to detail, understanding of big-picture business goals, risk-management ability, resourcefulness, excellent communication skills, and great leadership. Do we have statements delineating what each stakeholder has agreed to do? Check your deliverable review procedures against this list to make sure your Increased market share 7. 4.3.3 Does a comprehensive set of Stakeholder Agreements exist? The intent was to provide transparent, auditable procedures that provide best value. 2.4.2 Record keeping. Software Metrics. a. 9.1 Is the project operating under a formal set of data architecture standards? The Project/Application Scope? 2.3.1 Is project status reviewed with senior management at appropriate intervals? 2.4.3 Are actuals compared against estimates to analyze and correct variances? 8.5 Are there limitations to business operation flexibility due to the chosen Application Architecture? b. c. Utilities & back-ups. 11.7 Are the platforms considered efficient in transaction processing and data storage? An important PMO function is the review of project risks using a consistent structured process. 7.5.1 Are requirements & design standards in place? 7.6.5 Are there procedures to govern unit test cases, conditions, expected results, logs & sign-offs? 3.7.4 Has an automated Change Management tool been implemented? 1.6 b) Have all necessary approvals been obtained? 4. 7.7.7 Is adequate allowance made for regression testing? All rights reserved. 2.4.7 Are project team members involved in detailed estimating and scheduling? 3.7.1 Has SCM been implemented for this project? These are defined asthe qualitative or quantitative criteria by which the success of a project is judged. e. Technical environment specification? It does not cover how to ’ project ‘perform management. 2.2.18 Is it possible to track all classes of project work (e.g. 7.6.6 Do adequate development and test environments exist? 4.1.1 Is there a formal set of procedures (for status reporting, contract negotiation & review, time/invoice reconciliation, etc.) 7.7.8 Is adequate allowance made for defect repair both before and after implementation? 13.10 Are Help-desk functions well-defined, efficient and adequately resourced? The project closure & review phase is where the organisation implements the change into business as usual and determines that the intended benefits of the project have been met. a. Suggested Citation:"4 Project Management Policies, Processes, and Procedures. 2.3.4 Have adequate procedures been put in place for project coordination and status reporting across project boundaries (ie. You might think of project management as a relatively new discipline, but actually humans have been managing projects since before the Great Wall of China, before the Roman aqueducts, before the pyramids of Giza, and likely before that. 10.8 Is the application software portable across target platforms? 7.1.2 If more than one method has been implemented, does a documented process exist for effective integration between / among methods? d. Quality Assurance overheads? c. Open issues 5.4 Have the personnel with the necessary skills and competence been identified and has agreement for their participation in the project been reached with the appropriate management?. 1.7 Has a project Communications Plan been developed? 7.6.3 Is design and code re-use supported? 3.3.6 Are adequate resources provided for the SQA function? Communications? c. Risk rating? 350 0 obj
Can you compare work done to the baseline? For example, Success Criteria may be: 1. 7.3 Are structured requirements & design reviews and/or walkthroughs in use? Corporate Commercial Project Review Procedure, Document Control Procedure for Manual & Electronic Document Management System, Project Management Procedure for Surveillance of Subcontractors’ Operations, Project Management Procedure for Contract Review Process, Workplace House Keeping Method for Site Contamination Control, Piping Insulation and Jacketing Method Statement, Site Preparation and Mobilization Method Statement, Method Statement for Piling Works at Construction Project, Construction Method of Statement for Installation of Above Ground Drainage System, Concrete Pouring Method Statement for Construction Work using Ready Mix Concrete, Construction Project Site Field Testing Procedures, Construction Project Documentation Procedure, Design of Temporary Works for Completing Permanent Works on Projects, Testing and Commissioning Method Statements, Commercial & Finance Management Procedures. To ensure the project management process runs smoothly, it’s important for project managers to possess a varied set of skills and expertise. Software Configuration Management (SCM) 2.3.2 Are internal project status meetings held at reasonable intervals? 2.2.16 Is PERT / Critical Path or equivalent methodology being used? 4.3.1 Is there a formal set of procedures supporting Stakeholder Management? Project tracking plan & methodology 2.2.17 Is an industry recognized mechanized support tool(s) being used for project scheduling & tracking? 10.13 Is the software regarded as ‘State-of-the-Art’? 6.3 Is there a formal Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the appropriate client departments? It describes the project's objectives and scope, the desired outcomes and what is to be excluded from the project. a. 7.7.9 Will the following components of systems testing be carried out: 3.5 Do project teams & team members report on status / activities / progress? 1.16 Are there procedures in place to effectively manage inter dependencies with other projects / systems? 11.9 Do Service Level Agreements exist for Platform (Hardware) Support? d. Modular decomposition diagrams? 2.1 Have the key elements of a coherent project management strategy been established? Executing 4… 2.4.4 Are software metrics formally captured, analyzed and used as a basis for other project estimates? 10.9 Does the application software vendor(s) support meet formal agreements and/or expectations? h�b```b``�f`e`4ab@ !�Ǚi�e�{��X2��h��[��М,~i�z�#b�=ME#$X8�%�L�u�+���pTb����@��,����E&8�1�~:�z���p��A!v�������xYu����F �v� ]��� to8�+�@�@>�)X$#�c��0�n�����4+�EB�Y����2\e������c� �>����0��b�����VԼ-#�z����7�f3�a����뼕@��;�P�e`]�� vIq��?�9`��@���0��C �f`}�1�� � �fd
Pre-Conditions Implementing has begun. 11.3 Is there adequate vendor-based technical support? updating the analysis tool if a change is made at the design level)? The Importance of Project Acceptance Letter The formal acceptance document captures the concurrence of the … b. 13.5 Are any of the following types of maintenance carried out on a planned basis: Project Planning? governance model) exist? 3.3.2 Does the plan address key project elements? 2.2.14 If not, have all project delays been adequately accounted for, communicated to all stakeholders and adjustments made in overall project schedule? It’s inconceivable to think that the pyramids were built in an ad hoc manner. d. Vendor training? User (security) maintenance? f. The extent of user participation? The acceptance of the final deliverable by the customer. %%EOF
5.6 Has a proper project work location been established that will allow the team to work together with user personnel? The major goal of managing deliverables is to ensure compliance with the requirements and expectations set by the customer and documented by deliverables acceptance criteria. Imagine that you run your own IT company and you're working with a software company that wants to upgrade their technology and equipment. 6.1 Flow chart for project management 6.3 Development of research proposal 6.4 Project initiation 6.5 Project planning CI & TM/TC plan project management processes & procedures 6.6 Project execution 6.7 Monitoring and control 6.5.1 Establishment of the project management structure 6.5.2 Identification of products, to include: Project documentation e. Reporting? a. Project status reporting structure & process 2021. Review of Effectiveness and Efficiency of Defense Environmental Cleanup Activities of the Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management… Delivered to Specifications 3. 5.13 Are the people assigned to the project sufficiently qualified? 1.11 Is current scope of the project substantially different than that originally defined in the approved project plan? 11.5 Does the mixture of platforms support portability of software and DBMS? Health and Safety adherence 5. 1.3 Have all stakeholders been identified? Project Planning 1.1 Does the project have a formal Project … c. Software Quality Assurance (SQA). 2.2.12 Have procedures for identifying variances from estimates & adjusting the detailed work program been established? i. g. Quality metrics 5.11 Are the appropriate IT resources adequate to meet planned commitments? c. Prioritization? 3.3.4 Are all key components of an SQA plan present? Have project accountabilities & responsibilities been clearly defined? Acceptance of applications to Production Support? e. Usability? 9.14 Does or will the DBMS support extensibility appropriate for current and future business needs? a. 2.2.13 Is project work proceeding in accordance with the original project schedule? This is primarily for acceptance of a deployed system or project, but could also be modified to provide signoff for a specific deliverable document during the project such as a test plan or business requirements document. 13.3 Do formal & documented procedures exist for: d. The systems / applications to be supported? d. Outside experts? c. Stress? Unit Testing? b. 1.6 a) Have all involved stakeholders and work groups committed to the project? 1.13 Have project management standards and procedures been established and documented? The work plan(s)? 3.3.5 Are the results of SQA reviews provided to affected groups & individuals? This resource describes the Formal Acceptance Letter. This directive supersedes all project review-related documentation within the National Project Management System (NPMS) before May 15, 2012. Formal and agreed procedures? d. Issues Management process & tracking plan 2.5.2 Is there a process in place to monitor project risks? 5.14 Are project managers participating in the project adequately to know its true status first hand? Project Management? 1.14 Is there a Steering Committee in place? a. Quality is defined as fitness for use and adherence to requirements. 1.10 Have adequate resources been provided by management to ensure project success? 3.6 Is there a set of procedures to capture, analyze and act on quality metrics? 5.19 Is the Production Support function adequately resourced? On the job training? 13.1 Do adequate operations procedures exist? f. Risk Analysis? 9.6 Has a set of data naming conventions and/or standards been established? 6.7 Are users adequately trained and are all training requirements filled? 2.5.5 Have all unimplemented risk strategies been escalated to an issues log? 11.1 Has the cost effectiveness of the platforms been measured & compared against estimates in the Business Case? Realisation of Business Benefits 6. c. Cost / Benefit Analysis? At this review, the customer verifies that the product and supporting documentation delivered by the project meets the requirements and objectives as set out in the Software Development Plan. 7.5.2 Are specifications clearly traceable from physical design to logical requirements? Project Management Office February 2009 Title: PMO-1.10 Surveillance Plan ... Project Management Office (PMO) procedures have been developed and will be used for the ... of the post acceptance review will be determined based on the current phase of the project. The full documents is available to download, just keep reading and download if you like. Project Objectives? 5.2 Does the project team have the skills necessary to successfully complete current project(s) and support the application? Definition. a. OLTP? 9.4 Has the data model been integrated with the other user and system views of the data? 9.7 Is an active data dictionary in place? 5.16 Do the project team have a good understanding of the existing and/or proposed hardware / software environments? h��V[o�6�+|l�P�^�en�i� ���d9�ծ��;����d�60E��x�����!$a�A�zM�����N�����X Are communication lines working? h. The form of the final report? Rather, you can bet there were plans, schedules, teams, budgets and everything we’d recognize today as project management. e. Time Line? 12.8 Do Service Level Agreements exist for Network Support? g. Environment? 6.6 Has the provision been made for training staff, including: 5.15 Is a senior systems department representative allocated to each user department to provide liaison and support? 7.7.5 Is there an audit trail of all tests and results? The vernacular of project management includes numerous sayings and proverbs, most without a creditable source and of variable value to the practitioner. The Project Management Framework Procedure defines the processes that are performed throughout the life of a Project to ensure the Project Management Policy is adhered to. 1.4 Is a Stakeholder Management plan in place? 5.7 Does the detailed work plan match the complexity of tasks with the capabilities of personnel? h. Technology Architecture b. Use this process and checklist to objectively rate and then manage 17 categories of project risk. 3.3.1 Has an overall Quality Assurance Plan been developed for the project? b. Glossary of terms? 9.2 Does a formal data architecture and model exist for the application? The ultimate purpose of the Project Management Plan is to clearly define the roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes that will result in the major project being managed such that it is completed: • On-time, • Within budget, 3.3.7 Are the SQA processes in place and being effectively used? Every project has a start and end; it’s born, matures and then “dies” when the project lifecycle is complete. f. Operations? In this section, you need to explain what review and acceptance procedures will apply to the management of the project business plan and other core documents. Deliverable has passed quality processes and is ready to 4.3.2 Is it standard practice to formally commit stakeholders to the project via agreements? b. Preventative maintenance Sensitivity analysis? i. Efficiency/performance? 10.7 Is the application software cost effective against expectations as defined in the Business Case? 9.9 Has the DBMS been optimized to support any of the following: e. The basis for costs and charges? 3.7.3 Is SCM version management and control effectively linked with the testing function to ensure integration and regression testing have been performed? From Murphy's Law of “If anything can go wrong, it will,” to the more obscure Parkinson's Law: “Work expands to fill the time available,” project management is subject to a variety of laws. 2.2.11 Are measurements and feedback mechanisms incorporated in tracking work effort & refining work estimating techniques? The project brief acts as the 'contract' between project management team and corporate management. g. Software Configuration Management. 10.1 Is the choice of hardware platform consistent with the Standard Operating Environment (SOE)? In this section, you need to mention relevant government policy, legislation, and rules which can easily affect how records for the project must be kept. The Project Acceptance Review is a formal review between the project team and a customer representative. Planning 3. d. Risks Every project manager must take care of doing a series of tasks for reviewing and accepting project deliverables. 3.7.5 Is the SCM function adequately staffed? b. There are alternative methods to those detailed in this document but the supporting Vendor Management? 12.6 Do the networks support business needs in terms of bandwidth? c. Change Management plan & tracking 1. Ranged estimates? d. Methodology 13.4 Is the Production Support (Application Maintenance) function well defined? b. The objectives of the Agreement? 2.2.5 Does the detailed project plan identify individual responsibilities for the next 4–6 weeks? Purpose / scope? Project Management Software - - Improving … a. Inquiries & Decision Support c. Formal training not related to the project? 7.6.2 Is there a clearly documented relationship between logical (conceptual) design and technical design? 9.15 Is there a clear upgrade path to future Phases of the DBMS? c. The business areas to be supported? Project Management Process Created on 2/9/2017 3:39 PM 2 of 87 Created by Dave Larsen Description Overview This primer for a Project Management Process provides an integrated framework for project organization, planning and control which is designed to: 9.13 Is there (or has there been) significant interruptions to development or support activities due to DBMS behavior? 2.4.2 Are current project time & resource estimates reasonable based on the current project stage? Guidelines for conducting deliverable review sessions must be established and followed. d. Staffing Requirements? 2.5.4 Have all unresolved risks been documented? e. Risk Management Plan Customer Satisfaction rating achieved 4. The objective of this document is to communicate the scope, organization, and implementation detail of the QA Project Review Process (Review Process) to the QA Project Review team members, QA Project Review Leader (PRLs) and the QA Analyst (Analyst). Project Acceptance Management is introduced to the project through the implementation of four key processes: The completion of project deliverables. 3.3.3Does the SQA process provide objective verification of adherence to applicable standards, procedures & requirements? 3.7.6 Is the Testing Coordination function separate from the development staff? 5.20 Is there a production support plan, with a plan for transition from development to production? Identified improvements to the PMM process, benefits realisation or project outputs are captured in a lesson learned log for future projects. Volume? Improved productivity From the point of view of the Project Managers, success … 5.18 Are project team members committed full-time? a. With a help of this checklist you will not miss any essential elements to be assessed and accepted. 2.4.6 Do the estimating techniques include any of the following features: 0
8 easy to follow steps to conduct a project review - PM Majik Experts who run a high-risk business can often anticipate problems and find solution. g. Testing & Data Conversion strategy? 9.16 If an alternative DBMS is being considered, is there a proven conversion path? 7.7.3 Do detailed test plans/cases exist? 2.2.7 Are target dates established for each milestone deliverable? b. The following provides a detailed checklist to assist in reviewing the health of a project at pre and post implementation stage. The specifications, standards, drawings and other information included herein are intended as 13.6 Are Service Level Agreements in place between the Support Functions and the user departments? h. Client involvement. 7.7.1 Which of the following test phases are covered by the methodology: 10.2 Is the software environment consistent with SOE? 8.3 Is the application being implemented using client / server architecture? You’ll have an idea, do a little research to see how it would be completed, then pitch it to the relevant powers for examination and approval.This stage will change a lot depending on the idea which is being developed. Copyright 2021 — Project Management 123. (These metrics may include: defect rates; problems per no. The PMI(Project Management Institute) have defined these five process groups which come together to form the project management lifecycle The PMBOK project phases are: 1. 2.3.3 Are sub-project reviews held at reasonable intervals? 5.8 Has allowance been made for vacations, holidays, training (learning time for each team member), staff promotions & staff turnovers? It’s how projects happen; how the phases of a project conduct a team from brief through to delivery. Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge and experience to achieve specific project objectives according to the project acceptance criteria within agreed parameters.Project management has final deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget. 5.12 Are enough systems & user personnel assigned to the project? Each law's auth… 7.5.3 Are the requirements and design methods suitable for the type of application & environment? Project Definition & Scope? 8.2 Does the application conform to recognized industry architecture standards? a. OLTP Initiating 2. 9.3 Has a fully attributed data model been developed for the application? a. 2.4.5 Is the PPO estimating methodology being used and followed? h�bbd```b``>"߃H�� ���N���dX�&�d��\"Y��l0ɴ
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Accurate time & cost estimating? 2.2.15 Is there general agreement & acceptance of the current status and progress of the project? System Testing? b. 10.6 Does the user interface employ GUI representation? a. Perfective maintenance It incorporates the business case but also states the end users expectations and the acceptance criteria i.e. Published materials? 8.7 Does the Application Architecture support information needs at all levels of user operations (Strategic / Tactical / Operational)? Assigning high-risk management activities to highly qualified project personnel is another risk reduction method. 5.17 Are project leaders committed to this project full time? d. User Acceptance Testing? Can you see the critical path on the plan? However, even if a project completes on time, on budget and produces exactly what was requested (i.e., adheres to requirements), it will still be considered a failure if the business customer do… c. Integration Testing? What are they? interdependent software development among interfacing systems)? 7.6.4 Are program control procedures in place? a. Deliverables Acceptance Procedure Page 1 Proc-Deliverables_Acceptance Revised 7/23/16 OVERVIEW Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to describe the steps necessary to provide the project deliverables to the customer and receive acceptance of the deliverables. d. Tracking? 2.2.4 Are milestone deliverables effectively tracked and compared to project plan? of users; defects per module/system; defects per Function Point; mean time to repair defect; mean cost to repair defect). Project Quality Management PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality management is the process for ensuring that all project activities necessary to design, plan and implement a project are effective and efficient with respect to the purpose of the objective and Fitness for use is determined, ultimately, by the business customer. Does the project have both a business team leader and a technical team leader? Determine the suitability of the policies and the objectives The purpose and final outcome of the management review should be continual improvement of the QMS f. Software Quality Assurance 13.9 Is there an improvement program in place? 9.12 Does DBMS vendor support meet formal agreements and/or expectations? 9.11 Is the DBMS portable across target platforms? Download Project Audit and Review Checklist in doc format, Project Forecasting Procedure For Cost Revenue Risk & Opportunities. 7.7.6 Are effective testing tools incorporated? 2.5.1 Was an original risk assessment completed? Is a qualified person sufficiently involved in each critical area? PROJECT REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE PROCESS 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 This technical manual has been prepared as a guide for the design and construction of water, waste - water, and reclaimed water system extensions to Hillsborough County (County) utilities. 2.2.9 Are changes in deliverable commitments agreed to by all affected groups & individuals? 5.5 Is there a project organization chart showing the reporting relationships and responsibilities for each position? 5.10 Has appropriate allowance been made for the effect of the learning curve on all personnel joining the project who do not have the required prior industry, functional & technical expertise? Delivered within Time and Budget tolerances 2. decisions regarding communication, management processes, execution and overall project control. The review of Acceptance Test results. Project performance (achievements & milestones) 13.8 Are Maintenance Metrics defined and in place? b. 2.4.8 Are stakeholders aware and supportive of the principles and practices of modern software estimation? 9.8 Is the data dictionary fully integrated with the development method? b. Describe. c. Software development standards & methods 1.12 Has the approach and development strategy of the project been defined, documented and accepted by the appropriate stakeholders? endstream
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10.10 Is there (or has there been) significant interruptions to development or support activities due to application software behavior? 2.2.6 Have activity relationships and interdependencies within tasks been adequately identified? 9.18 Is the DBMS regarded as ‘State-of-the-Art’? 8.4 Is business process re-engineering being undertaken in parallel with and/or as part of this project? 10.3 Is the development language platform-independent? the 3.2 Is there a Project Quality Plan covering all Policies, Guidelines and Procedures? ~�F�Arp@)�������(�}0� 7T��BZ"h��!��w���M���_!��_�Z������&N�%oǓ�fQ �ﮮ��&�A���(
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